
Rebecca Goyette’s lobsta porn, Crustacean Temptation, was created in Berlin. The film is an experimental travel sex video cast partially on Tinder, following a group of Berlin’s art/music, club and LGBTQ kink scenesters invited into a co-created space of lobstasexual adventure where Goyette’s sadomasochistic Lobsta Labia avatar embraces it all.

Goyette remarks, “When strangers come together to perform in an orgiastic, pleasure-centered way, the chance for surprise chemistry and a co-created fantasy space can develop, and that shared fantasy asserted itself into the public space of Berlin.”

Crustacean Temptation
Single channel video, remastered version 2019
Runtime 21:33 min


An act of psychological exploration of intimacy between strangers reveals touch, desire, and the sexual gaze can extend beyond one’s own preferences, beyond social constructs of monogamy and monoliths such as heteronormativity and the social graces of public space. The Berlin lobsta porn stars created their own rules, and their games were playful, gender-bending, and radical. Crustacean Temptation has been exhibited and screened in England, Germany, Italy, Korea and was featured in
the Berlin Porn Film Festival (October 22nd-27th 2019).


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